2011年6月7日 星期二

Sideshow Collectibles The Thing PF, LSB and Diorama. 我想他叫石頭人是吧!

A few days ago, while I was picking up Bucky PF, I discussed with a friend about my favorite character of Marvel Comics. I told him that I love The Thing and he was confused for a few seconds wondering which book does he come from. I further explained to him the reasons when I love the character, firstly, 豆奶熊 has commented that he looks as dump as I am; secondly, I think, he does look like someone who is always hungry, which turns out, is how I am also. I love how my friend responded, he smiled and said, "Well, not everybody is going to be the hero." I cannot agree more with him, everybody wants to be IM, CA or Thor, then who is going to be the sidekicks?

"They are hungry and they are angry!!!!!"

