2011年4月19日 星期二

梅艷芳/張國榮 芳華絕代

演唱:梅艷芳/張國榮 曲:溫應鴻 詞:黃偉文 編:溫應鴻

你想不想 吻一吻 傾國傾城 是我大名

蒙羅麗莎 只是一幅畫 如何艷壓天下
皇朝外的 伊莉莎伯 誰來跪拜她
夢露若果 莊重高雅 何來絕世佳話
紅顏 禍水 錦上添花 教你蕩產傾家

*唯獨是 天姿國色 不可一世
天生我高貴艷麗到底 顛倒眾生吹灰不費
收你做我的迷 (得我艷與天齊) *

你敢不敢 抱一抱
瘋魔一時 是我罪名

羅蘭自稱 芳名蘇菲亞 男孩就會倒下
如能獲得 芭鐸親一下 鐵塔亦會垮
怕你甚麼 稱王稱霸 來臣服我之下
銀河艷星 單人匹馬 勝過漫天煙花

Every Tue as Miann has to go to flower class, I always have a gap between picking her up and surfing purposely on the internet. The song, well to me is another legend, not because the song is of any speciality, it is unique because of the singer. It is undoubted, Gor Gor is THE most handsome artist in the 80's while Mui Cha, though might not be the prettiest female in the industry, is definitely the most charming and nature born star. When they stand on the stage, besides "Wow" there is just a moment of silence. The song's concept is as plain as it can be, finding 2 appealing people and sing sing sing. The lyrics, to summarize, "I am sublime and you are not, I am distinctive and you are not."  However, I cannot help but wonder, despite the facts that there are tones of handsome, beautiful people in the industry, can any pair of them proclaim that they are 天生我高貴艷麗到底 顛倒眾生吹灰不費 without any boos? Once again, maybe human have a tendency to idolize the death, granting one is not, they should sense the beauty of this song.

