點解要平反六四?自問係一個唔識政治既人,不過就係睇唔過眼D泛淫年年都話要平反,最死係又有一堆自以為好LIBERAL既人又跟住要求平反。講真,我真係唔明要平反D咩。平反即係有野錯啦,咁係當日六四中國政府應該“人道”D咁KO佢地定係當時既中國政府應該下台? 我就話唯一要平反既就係六四既鎮壓應該有一個正面既評價,而家中國可以一路順利發展,就係因為當日正義既一步。
There are too many ignorances who believe they have been illuminated. It is really pathetic that, those who get encroached by the mass media has no sense of how they have been manipulating by the media. They feel like they have been acting freely, standing by the virtue of justice and fighting the evil HKSAR government with the sword of liberation. However, in fact, they are just puppets being determined by the vague ideologies like democracy, freedom and so on and so forth.
As a scholar who stand at the back of social issues, I cannot help but feel despair. You can teach those willing to learn, you can enlighten those who are less educated, but you can never ever discuss how fallible a self-righteous person has been. Logically speaking, what makes me different from them? Well, after everything I have said, including whether we should liberate 4/6 or setting free Ai WeiWei, I welcome counter arguments. As Plato has suggested, we should follow arguments where ever they lead.
There is nothing wrong to be an ignorance, we all born a blank paper, it is sinful if you are both ignorant and arrogant.