2011年7月19日 星期二

SSC 1:2 Legendary Format Statue

Reading the news from IGN, the only thing I feel is dismayed, SSC is launching a 1:2 scale statues, which is obviously too huge for most of the apartments in Hong Kong. At the very beginning, I convince myself that my purchase of statue is purely decorative, the statues are a part of my endeavor of making a more classy home. Slightly, my intention has been corrupted and twisted, now I am thirst for rare pieces and it is ridiculous. I have once told myself if I cannot display them, there is no point of having them but now I am convincing myself to purchase the items just to be the owner of these masterpieces. My mom is right in pointing out that the void in one's heart cannot be filled other than God and the saying has been proven valid once again. As a result, now, though I am not 100% happy about not be able to be a collector of these bad boys, I am telling myself that, it is ok, because I do not have to get everything possible.

2011年7月18日 星期一

Feeling a bit messed up

Being sick for almost 3 days, I feel extremely exhausted, both mentally and physically. What should I do next? The question has been echoing on mind for months and I still have not figured out an answer. Whether I should spend more time on tutoring or researching? Every time I read the news, seeing those who claim to liberate the oppressed become the oppressor, I cannot help myself but to speak up. However, words without justifications are meaningless, so to say something appropriate, I prefer my words being consolidated with grounds, they should have been supported by arguments, thus, this takes time.

As a result conducting researches, being a tutor and working out have consumed every moment I have and unlike people believe, these activities are mutually excluding. The more time I spend at the Gym and teaching, the fewer time I got for research. The conclusion should not surprise anybody, for the fact that, my research environment is more hostile than most scholars. It is because, I am working outside the system, by myself, trying to fix the loopholes of the unjustified beliefs. Not to mention how lonely it is to fight in the battlefield alone.

Everybody is good at something, I am good at teaching, it is supported by the results of my students; however, is it my mission, is it the reason why God has put me here on earth? I am no prophet, because I do not have the faith most of them exercise; nonetheless, I believe, the best quality I exhibit is the fact that I never give a damn towards another's belief, I accept another belief, if and only if it passes the rational calculation. 

In the past, I just write because I feel like this is the only way I can function the society; however, now I am not so sure, I understand perfectly that very few people are going to appreciate what I am going to say, for the fact that I am surfing against the trend, the trend that does not tolerate differences. It is way more comfortable for me to be a teacher, because I get paid, respected for what I am doing, researching on the contrary, I get bashed, deprived and so on and so forth.

My sister used to tell me that I love putting myself into dilemmas, I think she is partly right. When you kind of see things through, you reduce things to an extent that it is always an either or, there is neither hybrid or a third alternative, it is always sad and discouraging but this is how things have been.

2011年7月4日 星期一


總結今年我既學生既成積,基本上全部都有進步。但係其實學生成積好與壞,直接D講同我既關係係好細。我最多一星期去2日,即係4個小時,坦白講作用有幾大?我可以做既係係課堂入面比一D學生要既功課比佢地,好似如果佢地唔明點可以作文有Heart,我可以解釋,學生唔明通識係Critical Thinking我可以幫佢地諗多D,啟發佢地。係我既角度,平衝分數同知識係我既責任。分數好左,Great,不過更重要係係過程中間佢地學到D咩。成積不一定次次好,學生學識學習方法先可以跟佢地一世。

Sideshow Collectibles Thor PF EX

I have been hunting this PF for, basically since the first day I started being a collector. The Ex version is just phenomenal and stunning and there is no Thor in the market can closely compete with it. It looks just awesome with the Dragon Age Warden Sword and the SW Clock :)

2011年7月2日 星期六

Marvel Civil War: Whose side are you on?

Many people who collect SSC statues are baffled by the scale of the statues and they believe it is better to display statues of the same scale. I agree with it; however, though I do not know how to take photos I believe you can take great photos when you are putting statue appropriately. I am not a comic book reader, Civil War is the only Marvel comic book I have, now I am trying to put the Secret Avengers together and it surely look nice. Though CA PF is 1:4, Punisher Com is 1:4.5 and DD Com is 1:5.