If you have been to my wedding, you should have learnt from me that my mother is the only thing I am proud of, other then being a Christian. In another words, my mother is the only person whom I care with my whole heart besides my wife Miann, Long Long, Eric and Eva. Since I was young, my mother has always been treated unfairly, people keep framing her and undermine her reputation. As her son, I am really sick of that and I have to say, enough, please be fair to my mother.
If anyone thinks my mother is luxurious. I would welcome that person to provide grounds on how she has been using "HER" money falsely. Undoubtedly, we Christians believe God grants us everything, so truly, it is His money, rather than my mother's. It is fine, then I have to ask who are you to judge how my mother has used the money God has given her to manage? Shouldn't the owner, not other passer by ask why she has been spending like that? Furthermore, in saying God is going to punish my mother of using the money unwisely presupposes that it is the case that my mother has used the money in an inappropriate way. So the question at the very beginning is still valid, since one is innocent before proven guilty, so unless one has a rational objective reason in concluding my mother has misused her wealth, it is reasonable to conclude that how she manage her wealth is none of anyone's freaking business.
If anyone thinks my mother has pretended as a sick person. I would welcome that person to go consult my mother's cardiologist with her, I do not mind to pay for the consultation fees, asking if Dr. Wong can provided that person with a comprehensive understanding of how sick my mother has been. It is just plainly ridiculous to say my mother is "looking for medicine" because she "is dead" without the medication.
If there is anything I have learnt from my mother, there is only one thing, do not be a virtuous person in Hong Kong. Be mean, be skeptical, be judgmental and this is how other people might respect you. It sucks big but this is the way people are. I feel even notorious that even people from her church has gather so many misunderstandings about her. Havn't the Bible taught you should not judge so that you will not be judged? If I am judged because I judge the other of judging my mother, I would ask for God to forgive me, I cannot control that, it is just plainly unfair. Unfair and Unfair.