2011年3月15日 星期二


What should I do? It is a question that demands an answer. To most of us, we work hard for food and play hard to celebrate our living, but as a Christian, I have to ask, is that it? For sure, the answer is negative, a definite no. If the answer is a certain no, the next question we have to ask should be, "What should you do?" In my life, I have always been interested in academic researches; however, as Miann and I have started our family and I have to pay my bills and having a career is necessary to me now. Some of my friends have suggested that why don't you work full time and conduct researches in spare time? My response is, studying, to me is a WORK, I need leisure time to replenish also. 

Undoubtedly, the world sucks and we hardly get what we want, if conducting researches is not something profitable, one should abandon the idea. Yes, it is true that I take academic researches as an obligation, an obligation to our Creator. As a result, my conflict is three-fold, firstly, I need a work for living, secondly, I believe I have a duty to conduct researches and lastly I want my spare time. The real question here is, how could I spend my time? For the time being, I really do not have an answer. Most probably, I will be working as a private tutor, earning 4k a month by spending 8-10 hours a week on lessons. The other time are reserve for studying and playing. Please pray for me. 

