2011年5月1日 星期日


有時係街見到D所謂潮人,我心入而不禁就想講句呢堆人真係可悲。大部份既人,係我既認知入面都覺得潮係一個ICON,一個PRESTIGE。我想問既係:如果潮只係一種ARTIFICIAL VALUE 由第三者加係一個人身上,潮有咩咁 PRESTIGE?

The problem is obvious, to most people being hip is a property that makes someone unique. However, not only do they not realize that they have been encroached by the fashion ideologies unconsciously, they also fail to recognize that rather than being proud of who they are, they should have been ashamed of how they have been. It is without a dispute that most people fail to see my point of view. (It is not a straw man but a general fact.)

The argument is pretty simple, when someone thinks he is cool and in, he has to follow the value defined by fashion. (Hold that as an univocal idea) However, since there is no intrinsic value of being fashionable as it is not a secret that fashion changes every moment. So today you are in, tomorrow you are out. (Quoting a slogan from Project Runway) Put things otherwise, the validation of being hip is entirely determined by the trend, one is just a dot in the flux, who is so lack of power and vivid. 

Can a puppet who dressed decently by the master proud of being pretty? If it is a no, the logics go with those people. I say they are pathetic because after all the money they have spent, all the hours they have used on fashion, at best they are just a beautiful doll. It is just sad and pathetic.

